Within the framework of the “Europe for Citizens” programme the Municipality of Rackeve (Hungary) organised a Town Twinning event with the theme “Learning from each other - The renewal of the European Union” 16-20 September, 2017. europe citizens programme

The project was funded with the support ofthe European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens”. It involved the towns of Calden (Germany, 22 participants), Ciumani (Romania, 16 participants), Skorenovac (Serbia, 16 participants), Rackeve (Hungary, 20 participants), Nenince (Slovakia, 16 participants), Baktalórántháza (Hungary, 16 participants).

The activities of the project contributed to strengthening European integration and to encouraging the engagement of citizens of the participating countries in the issues of the Union.

Upon arrival on the first day the delegations of the town twinning partners were welcome and introduced.

The opening speech of the second day gave insight of the current situation and future tasks of the EU. It was followed by workshops reviewing long term vision of the EU, the opportunities for creating a more democratic union, and discussing what kind of EU the participants want.

The workshops on the third day examined the ways of strengthening engagement of the younger generations, encouraging civic participation and the opportunities of social media. The participants also shared information on their best practices.

The fourth day was devoted to the summary of the outcome of the workshops and preparing press information.

On the fifth, closing day the participants expressed their intention to continue discussions on the future of Europe as they had a great amount of useful information during this event.

The Workshop sessions were characterised by transnationality and diversity. Each team included participants from all twin towns from all countries. Teams represented diversity in terms of age group, social background. They included municipality employees and other professionals.

Cross-border dialogue fosters understanding each other, increases tolerance and respect and promotes finding solutions to issues together. Therefore the event was an effective tool for shaping common European identity.

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